Sunday, 18 October 2015

Memsahib Janet's Inja Briefing Blues: Sunday, October 18th!

No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable. -Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist, essayist, and poet (1850-1894) 

We wanted to let you know that we arrived around noon.  all is well. ..You guys did a lot!!!  read all the notes :). your towels are already washing :) i just finished putting the food away and now taking a break.  Henryk is already watching football.  A bit chilly so Henryk put a fire on.   Nice view out of the living room window :) Venus is checking every nook and crany.... but finally sitting now that i am. travels. .... Louise and Henryk 

Hello Venus and Company! Great to hear that you have arrived and are now settling in! However, no watching TV, Henryk, or malt sipping, at least until in-house vaccum has been installed!!!!! We've had a very busy time since leaving and arriving in Vancouver.

Well, dear house-sitters, thanks again for agreeing to be indentured servants. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Take care of each other and we'll be in touch before we leave for Inja! I trust! Cheers,Patrizzio!

Pics: Friday evening with Jane and George; Grandmothers in pajamas on Saturday morning; bee hives at Bayswater B&B; Sara Jane, (aka Wonder Woman), welcoming us to dinner before Trivia Night; mascot for Table 4! 
Cora Lee's phone alarm went off at 7:30 am as she had arranged to go to church with Robyn. She needed to be at her place by 8:30 am. After she shut the infernal mechanism off, she snuggled up to me and I had to push her away, knowing she would likely fall back to sleep and miss her appointment! Grumbling, she staggered out of bed, into the bathroom and that was the last I heard of her. i didn't wake up until close to 9:00 am and when I went upstairs I found Theodorakis in the kitchen, eating breakfast, listening to CBC Radio 1, and reading the paper. 

He offered to make me a latte, (Which I secretly hoped he would do, almost the very moment I woke up!), so I repaired to the living room to answer messages until he delivered my delicious java! What a life at the Bayswater B&B!!! Had thought today was supposed to be sunny but so far there is off and on light rain so not sure if I'll head out for a ride or not. If I do, it won't be for as long a one as I had hoped it might be.  

Hello Fellow Brainiacs!! Just a quick note to thank you both for the simply delicious, not to say scrumptious meal. I'm coming over for overlefts! Thanks for coming and suporting Aunt Leah's! Much appreciated. Overall, we did fairly well, coming in 4th out of 25 tables so Onward! Fight! Next year WWW: WE WILL WIN!!!

Had thought today was supposed to be sunny but with off and on light rain I decided to take a rest day! Will need it as week ahead is going to be pretty busy.  Cheers,Patrizzio! Pic: brain food book centerpiece

Thanks to you two, too.  The trivia event is really fun and the company excellent.  I ended up having a short (22kms) but rainy ride over to my brother's place, then he and I shopped for groceries and dinner for my mom.  Tuesday should be sunny so try to plan a nice ride that day.  Writers fest will be fun, then world travels -it'll be fantastic, I'm sure.  Thanks and goodnight. Sara.

Hello Opposition Team Sutherland/Cruel Swiss and Fellow Brainiacs! Just a quick note to thank everyone for supporting Aunt Leah's. Much appreciated, of course. Wish we had had more time to chat but great good time visiting, such as we could, over the course of the evening. We'll be in touch with everyone, one way or another, before, and during, VWF and certainly before we leave for Inja! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Brainiacs arrive for last minute training session! Jaxon pretends to be asleep while he consults Google on the iPhone embedded in his stuffed animal! Cruel Swiss try to lure Mme Coriandre away from Table 4! 

Patrick, Too bad that you did not make it to Orientation this past week.
Please make sure you stop by the office (1398 Cartwright St, first floor, on Granville Island) in good time before your first shift to pick up your volunteer package, which contains your name tag and finalized scheduled as well as other important festival information. We are open Saturday Oct 17 Noon to 4 pm, Monday Oct 19 9 to 5 pm, and effective Tuesday Oct 20 through Sunday Oct 25 from 8:30 am until late, 10 or 11 pm.

If you are eligible for a comp ticket, but didn't enter the ticket lottery, I still have some tickets for volunteers for some events: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11,15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 90, 24, 25, 27, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 53, 55, 58. 59, 60, 63, 64, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83. 84.

Let me know what you'd like to see (give me 9 choices if possible!) and we'll do our best to award you a ticket and make sure it gets into your volunteer package before pick-up! Hope you have a great volunteer experience at this year's festival! Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask! THANKS SO MUCH FOR SIGNING ON AS A 2015 VANCOUVER WRITERS FEST VOLUNTEER!!! We couldn't do this festival without you and we're counting on you to help us make this our 28th festival the BEST ONE YET! Kathryn 

Hi Cathy, (and Den Mother Kathryn)! Great to hear from you, Cathy, and thanks for the kind words! Glad that we'll be working with you again, as well. Pleased to hear about update from Heideh, with respect to set-up at PW. That should make things even easier. Had hoped to pop by VWF office on Friday but, with one thing and another, we were too late in getting into town. We've had a very busy time since leaving Penticton and arriving in Vancouver, as you might imagine. In fact, Cora Lee did pop by the office today but it was closed! She misread email which noted it was to be open on Saturday! At any rate, we plan to drop by tomorrow, (probably before noon as we are meeting some friends for lunch, on GI), just to say hello and "check-in", and have our wrists slapped! Perhaps we'll see you, Cathy. If not on Tuesday, for sure! 

Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Fruit stand in Keremeos, this Friday, where we stopped, briefly, before continuing on to Vancouver.

Great to hear from you, Patrick. Keremeos has the best fruitstands. I missed them this year as I drove the Coq to Kelowna, 33 to Rock Creek and 3 to Thrums. Still editing Sunday PW notes; will get them to you by mid-week. Might miss you in Office tomorrow, as I'm not sure what time I'll be there. Will see you on Tuesday for sure. CathyA


Hi Robert! Trust all goes well! we are actually in Vancouver at the moment. Will be volunteering at the VWF this coming week and then off to Inja with Lynne and Peter on October 27th. Peter left for Madagascar this past Friday and will be in Chennai a day before we arrive. Hello and best wishes to all the lads from bridge. I gather Peter played this past Monday as he was in town to collect their visas! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, Great to hear from you. Enjoy the Writers' Fest. I have never attended, I've always opted for the Surrey Conference. Hope you guys have a great time in India with Peter and Lyn - I'm jealous. Cheers, R.

Hi Kids! Just wanted to let you know we are in Vancouver and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening! Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Cheers, Patrizzio!


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