Saturday, 7 November 2015

Bicycle Blues: Saturday, November 7th!

Day 11, Field Report: Saturday, November 7th, Alleppey-Kumarakom!

Up at 6:30 am to have a quick, cold shower! Cora Lee was very pleased that she had taken one, last night, before going to bed, as it was very warm, even with the lovely breeze as we cruised to our mooring spot.

Bicycle ride: Never believed that I would actually go cycling in India but after I met an English chap, John, from Surrey, at the pool, this afternoon, he told me that he had gone for a lovely ride on one of the complimentary bikes, I decided I'd do the same. We looked at the collection availbale and he suggested the on ehe had used was the best of a pretty poor lot. Thanking him I went to ask Jugos if he wanted to join me and he was keen as well. had to wait for a bit until we found a staff member who could raise the seat for him. As soon as he adjsuted the seat we took off and had a blast. The road was far better than Hanif has said it would be so we toddled along, riding along the tiny roads paralleling the rice paddies. When we went about as far as we could go, away from the resort, Backwater Ripples, where we were staying, we headed back as the thunder was pealing very ominously and rain looked immanent. Once back I gave Peter, (He was ready to quit.), my camera, watch and sunglasses and I took off again, hoping to cycle to the closest village. Had no trouble at all and it was actually quite a lot of fun to be on the receiving end of the warning honks given by motorcycles, three-wheelers, cars and the odd bus. The only time I felt a bit threatened was when a large local bus came roaring down the road towards me, taking up almost all of the roadway. I couldn't really leave the tarmac, at that point, so I had to remain calm as the pretty heavy vehicle whizzed past me. Other than that, I enjoyed weaving in and out of the heavy pedestrian traffic in the small village I reached at the end of my outward bound trip. Actually, riding under such circumstances is far, far better than doing he same on the Seawall, back in Vancouver, as here everyone is used to the unspoken rules of the road and obeys them insti

e resort but I wanted to wash the clothes I was wearing anyway so was chuffed at the fun-filled!

Stats for ride:

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