Sunday, 29 November 2015

Bikaner Blues: Monday, November 30th!

I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me. -Woody Allen, author, actor, and filmmaker (b. 1 Dec 1935)

Good morning explorers!! xoxo Hi Twitter Goil! Off to breakfast shortly as we leave at 8:00 am for a 7 hour drive to Bikaner. Yesterday's sunset camel camel ride was a blast!

Love Nana on a camel!! She could ride to the market in Penticton!! She can take kids for rides while their parents shop!

Maggie Carr Hey Patrizzio, I need your postal code!
Maggie Carr to Patrick James Dunn Happy birthday coming up in a week.
Dear avid hikers, Enclosed 2 group photos from Monday. See you next week

Fellow bridgers! With one month to go before the coveted 2015 BASTARD Awards, Clive is falling precipitously and losing serious ground to Byron who has maintained his second place over the past month. A jockeying for position between Dave T, Les, Robert and Dave Mc who are all so close, it's anyone's call!

If you want to get really confused, look at the attached spreadsheet and
under the tab "Points by Month", you'll see how the rankings changed during
the year! Current rankings (average points per hand) at end November:
Clive 147.3; Byron 142.5; Winston 142.3; Dave T 140.1; Les 137.7; Robert 137.0; Dave Mc 136.2; Roger 120.1;Patrick 120.0; John 112.2

My god I still have a chance for the coveted award????? Regards: David

Dear Clive
[Bob Altwein The marble sculpture of this roman emperor, is in the same room as the Market gate of Miletus, seen in the background,]

Congratulations on an excellent spreadsheet and a hot end-of-year race.
The "New Lord Byron" is breathing down your hairy neck. Something extraordinary happenned to the Old Lord Byron on Hardy Island.  What is the breakdown of the Pre-Hardy-Island and Post-Hardy-Island results? Surely you can assemble even more exciting graphs and data? This warrants a paper in the Vancouver Sun. All Best David
Hrmph. I don't need an award to tell me I'm a bastard.

Bob Altwein Pergamon Museum Berlin, Berlin-Mitte You won't want to miss this collection if you ever come to Berlin. It is in one of the city's most iconic museums, located on Museum Island (on the Spree River). According to the Capital has 175 museums.…/museums-an…/pergamonmuseum/home.html

Bob Altwein "Over life sized statue of a Roman Emperor (maybe Claudius) with the head of Trajan added in the early 2nd century AD, found in Pergamon, Pergamon Museum Berlin." Both the text and photo are from Wikipedia.

A couple are at the airport in Phoenix, awaiting their flight. They are dressed in heavy boots, parka, scarf, mittens, and all ready to head home to the Canadian winter.
An older American couple standing nearby are intrigued by their manner of dress, so the wife says to her husband, "Look at that couple. I wonder where they're from?" He replies, "How would I know?" She counters, "You could go and ask them." He says, "I don't really care. You want to know, you go ask them." She decides to do just that, walks over to the couple and says, "Excuse me, I’ve noticed the way you're dressed and I wonder where you're from." The man, who happens to be a Canadian farmer, replies, "Saskatoon, Saskatchewan." The woman returns to her husband. “So, where are they from?" he asks. She replies, "I don't know. They don't speak English."

Kurt Traugott It's in full swing here.....Clayton, panama Patrick James Dunn In full swing here in Jaisalmer, at the Jain Temple within the fort which stands amidst the sandy expanse of the great Thar Desert, on Trikuta Hill. Its massive yellow sandstone walls are a tawny lion colour during the day, fading to honey-gold as the sun sets, thereby camouflaging the fort in the yellow desert. For this reason, it is also known as the Sonar Quila or Golden Fort. Kurt Traugott Sounds like u r having to good a time, glad u deserve it.... I'll be going home on Saturday and hopefully not stay too long..... Hugs Kurt

Ciao Patrizzio, I just talked to Jane, and she told me about another fascinating travel report from you, but I have not received it. Of course, you could have taken me off your mailing list as a disciplinary measure of some kind, but it rather seems the list was chopped off after the letter j. Desperately waiting for your reply, Marcello 

Many thanks for the birthday greetings Patrick. Jim passed them on to me together with a lengthy account of one of your travel days. What a great area to be in - somewhere that I have wanted to go to. Have only been to the border of India from the Nepal side. I much enjoy contemporary Indian authors who in my view write some of the best English language today.
I do hope you have really great travels. Many thanks again for the greetings ( I did have a super birthday celebration - Jim was here for the w/e which was great) Lots of good wishes to you both Jan

Patriçio, I read (or skim) your travelogs with envy, being bound in the homestead taking care of my cantankerous old Dad. You really have to learn to be more terse!!! Anyway, guess what! I hail from Penticton! You may be surprised. But, my squash circle was planning a get together as the two girls had birthdays to celebrate. So in debating the venue, I thought, hey Conductoré is in India, I have the code to his back door, …. road trip!!!!  Anyway, we rented a small van, and crashed your place Friday. Had a great party last night, just watching the Grey Cup, will head back tomorrow. Sorry for the dent in your malt supply and we won’t have time to clean up the pizza boxes or the pots and pans, but some of the dishes will fit in your dish washer. Awesome weekend!!! Looking forward to another “construction visit” as you have a chop saw now!


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