You have not converted a man because you have silenced him. -John Morley, statesman and writer (24 Dec 1838-1923)
Hi Glasgow! What a wonderful, wonderful card and important message. Fondest regards from Lady Darjeeling to Kali, fellow countrymen, so to speak! She is on the phone to Ayn, as I scribe. Unfortunately, Chloë's plane couldn't land last night and she was unable to book passage on an earlier flight today so we are crossing our fingers that just before midnight she'll land in Penticton, in time for the last bit of Christmas Eve. Happiest of Happy Christmases to you and Catherine, Sascha and Alexa and a Healthy New Year from The Burns Street Gang! Cheers, to one and all, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn Hi Stefano! Fondest regards from Lady Darjeeling to you and Kathleen. Lynne and Peter were here for a long visit and many drinks last night! Once again, Happiest of Happy Christmases to you and Kathleen and Jessie, of course, (Will miss seeing Zoe and Matt so please send along regards.), a Healthy New Year from The Burns Street Gang! Must away as walks to be shoveled, fires to be lit, rum and eggnog to be drunk!

Patrick James Dunn Self-fulfilling Sisterhood prophecy! I, along with Los Horridos and Winston, spit on NICE! We'd rather be with all the NAUGHTY Goils, at the bars and nightclubs, rather than with the ones in church! Walk to be shoveled now!
Nicole Marie Haha perhaps they would be. ;) Merry Christmas to you as well. Won't be the same without seeing you both this year :( or maybe I don't hope you have a nice Christmas and you miss us too much and decide to move back to us
Couldn't let this day pass without sending best wishes to you guys. It seems that you are back to normal - and already entertaining!
Our Xmas will be quiet this year - just waiting for some friends to arrive tonight - and then tomorrow putting our turkey in and heading out to golf a few holes.
the weather is amazing today - we just came back from a walk and I had to take my sweater off - and continued sleeveless. That won't last - as they are predicting in the next few days some overnight frost! We are looking forward to New Years - we have tickets to see the Jets play the Coyotes - no doubt will be fun! give Chloe and Christmas hug for us. All the best in the New Year! regards, and Christmas magic...Louise and Henryk
Hi Louise, nice to here from you. We are hoping that Chloe gets here tonight. Her plane couldn't land last night so she is still in Vancouver. There are 2 letters for you. One looks like a Christmas card. Do you want us to send on? If so please send your address. Talk to Pam today she is out at the lake with mom and dad. Greg and Dustin to arrive for supper. Cody is of course there and seems to be enjoying his work. It is snowy here have had lots of the white stuff in past week. Your weather sounds amazing but I guess we could also be in TO to be golfing. Have a merry holiday season, Regards, Corinne
Sara Jane McGillivray Yes, get the snow tires. Here is the Velominati opinion of what kind of weather you should or should not train in:
Dear Bridgers, I hope that you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and that 2016 brings you Many Grand Slams Doubled and Redoubled. Very Best Wishes, Robert, Penny and Sam.
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