Monday, 14 December 2015

Roddy Meadows Blues: Monday, December 14th!

Style is time's fool. Form is time's student. -Stewart Brand, writer and editor (b. 14 Dec 1938) 

Downton Abbey Stars Speak In American Accents, Lose Their Cool Lady Mary makes a terrific Yank! Rae Tanner Oh my god! Love this!
Rae Tanner
Patrick James Dunn

Patrick James Dunn Sounds as if she is from Simi Valley!!! Our live Blue Spruce waiting to be decorated once Lady Darjeeling finds our Christmas decorations! My Trek waiting for snow tires! Come and stay with us this spring/summer/fall and taste in the Okanagan to find out what the Canadian wine competition is really like! Cheers to one and all!!!

Hello Arizona! Glad to hear that you made it without incident! Still busy settling in but am enjoying all the new "improvements" so thanks again for all your hard work! However, need Louise to return as chili went yesterday and had the last of the Cool Whip in my java this morning while I was vacuuming! Lady Darjeeling said she would do that yesterday. Cheque's in the mail!!

From Julia, who found this next to her favourite comic strip, Rex Morgan. 

Hello Julia and Ross! Healthy New Year's Greetings to you both. Fondestos to you both, from Lady Darjeeling. Cheers, Patrizzio!

I'm going to hike shortly, to Roddy Meadows out of Summerland. Know I'll be slower than slow and probably out of breath but need to get back into routine. Furthermore, miss everyone as it is a great group of people. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Lady D's Chinese Laundry before final round of packing in Delhi! No Dirty Laundry for Lady Darjeeling, just wine!!! Farewell to Arizona Freeloaders!  Our live Blue Spruce waiting to be decorated once Lady Darjeeling finds our Christmas decorations! My Trek waiting for snow tires! Dream vacuum with Cool Whip; hiking boots warming up in front of fireplace, next to Henryk's empty armchair!

Up at 6:45 am as my bio-clock is starting to adapt itself to life back in Penticton. 

Back in my hiking boots again! Joined the group at Home Hardware in Penticton and then we car-pooled to the IGA in Summerland. Changed cars and then drove to just past the rodeo grounds, not far from where we'd hiked this summer. What a day! Blue sky with some fluffy white clouds but otherwise glorious. Most of the terrain had a light coating of snow but, overall, it was not really slippery or icy on the climbs or descents. Felt simply marvellous to be back in the outdoors, breathing in the more than refreshing, crystal clear mountain air. The snow muffled what little sound there was, (mainly chatter from the group), and since I was usually the last in line, often by 20-50 metres, sometimes more, I drank in the sounds of silence and the majestic vistas, magnificent pines carpeting the surrounding hillsides. 

Coming to the top of one of the first slopes we were rewarded for our efforts to come across a small herd, (seven or so), of wild horses,lead by a stunning black stallion. Casting their wary equine eyes upon us they watched as we continued past them, ready to bold at the first sign of closer approach. Stopped about 11:00 am for a bit of a break and a snack, enjoying a snippet of Okanagan Lake in the distance. Backpacks on again, we reached our destination, Roddy Flats or Meadows, depending on the individual you ask, to have our picnic lunch. About twelve of us so fun to chat with those I'd not seen since late October. 

Overall, the hike was not terribly demanding, in terms of slopes we climbed and duration of outing. Pleased as punch as although my fitness level has dropped over past six weeks I never felt the slightest bit tired or otherwise not at all uncomfortable. How fortunate to be able to experience such a pristine day. I almost had to pinch myself to remind myself that this was not a dream, relative to the oft polluted air and befouled streets of India I'd so recently left behind. One more hike this coming Thursday and then group, (those interested, of course), switches to snowshoes. Hope to give this activity a try in 2016 as I've never attempted it before. Most of this takes place out of the Nickel Plate Nordic Centre just past Apex. Who knows, I might even try cross-country skiing. For now, I count my blessings that I'm back with such good friends in such a winter wonderland!

Here is the most recent and perhaps last update. See you Thursday. 1000h at IGA in Summerland, don't forget. Rick                   Hi Rick! Trust you are well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner but just back from six weeks in India. Had a wonderful hike to Roddy Meadows today. Would like to join group on Thursday so am wondering if there is any foodstuff, in particular, I might bring. I was wondering about a cheese plate as there doesn't seem to be any mention of such. At any rate, let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio! Whatever you wish. There is always way more than we can eat, so don't go overboard. Rick Hi again, Rick! Thanks for advice. Very much looking forward to outing. See you on Thursday. Cheers, Patrizzio!

So glad that you enjoyed the chili.  I have not had to cook yet since we arrived.  When we got here we went to our neighbour's Xmas open house.  We got their as they were serving desert  - but neither of us were hungry.  We stayed and had a drink and visited with all our neighbours.  it was a wonderful welcome. When we left;  the hosts sent us home with containers filled with pulled pork, beans and potato salad.  We enjoyed that today for both dinner and supper today!

I spent the day cleaning the house and prepping for Xmas decorations.  Henryk put all the outside lights up on the house.  It looks very festive :)  Tomorrow I will have to head to the store for some groceries - and start cooking!  Our Meyer lemon tree is full of ripe lemons - as is our tangerine tree.  The grapefruit and Lisbon lemon as still maturing.  Our lime has already produced  - we missed the harvest but our neighbours enjoyed the limes.  I will be making some lemon loaves and lemonade.  Pretty tree. It will look great once adorned with festive ornaments!   We have our Infrared fireplace on tonight - there's a threat of frost for the next few days - so will have to cover our flowering plants.  Glad you were smart to cut your bike trip short - not worth it to get chilled and then sick for the season. Keep in touch regards, Louise

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