Words are a commodity in which there is never any slump. -Christopher Morley, writer (1890-1957)
Lazy sleep-in, in the "igloo", as Lady Dar and her "Frozen" daughter are wont, with the latest round of sub-zero temperatures, to refer to Burns Street "Ice Station Wild Horses"!
Hello Darling Kathryn! Trust you and family enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. Ours was reasonably quiet but not at all unwelcome after our travels in India and Chloë's very, very, very busy pre-Christmas tree lot duties, (She is the Volunteer Coordinator, so you, of all people, can understand what that was like!), for Aunt Leah's. Best year ever for sales so terrific for their fund raising effort. She flew up on the 24th, just before midnight, after the plane was unable to land the evening before! Have literally been living in a Winter Wonderland for past week, or more, with snow every day. Just in from shoveling walks and chopping a bit of kindling. Chloë is supposed to fly back to Vancouver this evening but not sure, at this time, if flights are getting in and out. If she can't leave, plenty of "overlefts", from both Christmas dinner and Boxing Day Open House, so we might just curl up in front of TV and watch Netfix until the thaw occurs.
Would certainly have enjoyed the event at the Fox if in town. Nevertheless, thanks for including us in message. Must away as I need to bring in more firewood. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you and rest of VWF family. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, from both of us, to you and your family, Kathryn. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Chloë and Cora Lee with Al, friend from hiking group I've been fortunate enough to join, at our Open House on Boxing Day; front sidewalk after I shoveled it yesterday. Needed to do it all over again this morning! Back door of garage, yesterday morning. Chopping block this morning!
Happy New Year to you and Corinne, up there in the land of White Christmas.
I am not really 'on duty' as Vollie Queen these days, just happened to check the old email and saw the message from Tara Travis offering the comps to her show asking that the festival send it on to the vollies, so of course I had to oblige.

ol' DBAR and the fire beckons. Also still digesting from XMAS. Glad to hear all is well up there. All the best for 2016!!! Kathryn
Hi again, Digestif Woman! Had a message from a friend who is in New York, at the moment, and he was in shirtsleeves on Christmas and Boxing Day! Plan to take our tree outside tomorrow morning. Hope to plant it in the spring. Healthy New Year. At least there will be lots of you to hug when next we meet!Lady Dar sends along best wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
You are always welcome here at Burns Street Base Camp, Ice Station Zebra! Nothing for a seasoned Russian like you! We miss your smiling face and wry wit so please consider a visit in the not too, too distant future. Fondestos from MmeCoriandre to you, Misha. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, from both of us, and Chloë, reading Michael Connelly's latest Harry Bosch, The Crossing, on the couch, in front of the fireplace, with a Cannery Brewing IPA! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Snowbank Centrale! Front walk and back patio late this afternoon. Note local quail, on back fence, just managing to keep above snow line!
Thanks for the pics, Patrizzio!! You folks enjoy the snow but sorry to hear about all that shovelling. Summerland has more snow than Edmonton, so instead of shovelling snow, it's a lot of food, chocolate, treats of all kinds and drinks that we're shovelling.. Like I said "Rolly Polly" will be returning instead of Olga Polga!
I simply love the quail! Please pass on a' hello' to Corinne from me and again," Happy New Year". hugs, Olly
Sylvie Roy Same to you Patrick and your lovely Corinne! Here winter doesn't forget us! Last sunday was like october month and monday morning a snow storm! It'a unreal this year! El ninÕ! My sister left this morning to go back to Matane. We spent a few days together. Best regards to all of you! xxx
Hi Sylvaine! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Sylvie. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, from both of us, and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Murielle! Thank you for the warm Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year! Pleased to learn that you are having such a lovely time in San Francisco and Santa Barbara. We have very close friends in Berkeley with whom we visit when en route to LA to see our eldest daughter. Also, we are quite fond of many of the wineries around Santa Barbara and Los Olivos. Take care of yourself. Enjoy the balmy weather! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Arizona! Pleased to learn that you are having such a lovely time golfing, Louisa and Henryk! Take care of yourselves. Enjoy the balmy weather! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Rolly Polly Olga Polga!!!! We missed your inimitable self at the Open House but lad to hear you have been enjoying such a wonderful time with friends and family. Thank you for the best wishes for the New Year! Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, from both Corinne and I, Turkey Woman! Take care of yourself. Look forward to reconnecting in January, at some point. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the pics, Patrizzio!! You folks enjoy the snow but sorry to hear about all that shovelling. Summerland has more snow than Edmonton, so instead of shovelling snow, it's a lot of food, chocolate, treats of all kinds and drinks that we're shovelling.. Like I said "Rolly Polly" will be returning instead of Olga Polga!
I simply love the quail! Please pass on a' hello' to Corinne from me and again," Happy New Year". hugs, Olly
Hello Donna Florida and Cactoosian! We missed your inimitable selves at the Open House but understand you were probably too, too busy enjoying a wonderful time with friends and family to think about your poor cousins in the Okanagan! Thank you for the best wishes anyway! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi JT! We missed you at the Open House. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, Joanne. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pedrito! We missed you at the Open House but understand you were probably too, too busy enjoying a wonderful Sauvignon Blanc to think about your lonely friends in the Okanagan! Thank you for the best wishes anyway! Trust you and Mrs Pedrito are well!!! Had a Christmas note from Ariane and her boys are really growing.
Chloë just flew back to Vancouver this evening after a great few days. She will return, along with her sister, Ayn, from LA, in February. Cora Lee's parents arrive on January 12th for a month so. When we moved to Penticton, they gave up the suite beside our place. First time they have spent Christmas in Manitoba for almost ten years! The Goils wanted to be her to celebrate their grandmother's 91st so looking forward to that.
I'm probably going to start using the pool at the community centre here. Quite a new facility and although it is only 25 metres there are dedicated lanes for lengths most of the day. Sauna and steam rooms as well so almost like being back at the Aquatic Centre! New pool under construction at UBC as I scribe, I believe! Take care of yourself and we hope to see you in Penticton, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ginette! Trust you and Bruce are well!!! Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, to you both. Hope to see you in Penticton and/or at Intersection, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Mr Grizzle! Trust you and Janice are well!!! Thank you for the lovely Christmas card. Hope to see you in Vancouver, probably in March. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello TNT! Thanks for your last message, a few days before Christmas, Trevor. Hope that Adelaide hasn't suffered, unduly, from bush-fires. We experienced the very same this past summer, as you might recall. Must away as I need to pour myself another glass of Cannery Brewing Paddles Up Pale Ale! We are certainly looking forward to seeing most of the gang at Sun Peaks! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello to Gladys Knight and The Pips and The Penguin! Thanks for your Xmas letter. Any bridge over the hols? Take care of yourselves and we are certainly looking forward to seeing you both, here in Penticton, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Robert! Trust you, Penny and Sam are well!!! Thanks for your Christmas wishes and bridge "guarantees" for 2016! Before I forget, please add me to your beer mailings. I meant to reply sooner! Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, to you and Penny and Sam. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Aarturo with Peter. Almost forgot to mention that Peter told me he had a wonderful evening of bridge at Byron's before Christmas. Best to all the lads.
Hello Kurt! Trust you are well and continuing to enjoy life to the fullest!!! Thanks for your Xmas greetings New year's wishes. Take care of yourself and we certainly looking forward to seeing you, here in Penticton, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Newlyweds! Trust you are both well and continuing to enjoy married life to the fullest!!! I bought myself a pair of snowshoes, at Costco, before Christmas, but need to practice, (Probably around here with all the snow!), before I venture out with gang! They have been on a number of forays and apparently all were magical! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Joan! Trust you are well. Thanks for your Xmas greetings New year's wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Mr Ski Patrol! Trust you are well and continuing to enjoy the slopes to the fullest!!! Thanks for your Xmas greetings New year's wishes. Must be great up at Apex. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, to you, St Kilian, and family. Take care of yourself and we certainly looking forward to seeing you, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Aspenites! Are you skiing? If so, trust everyone is well. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, to you, four, wherever you are, from Lady Darjeeling and I. Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Virginia and Jake!! Trust you are both well and continuing to enjoy the sun and sand to the fullest!!! Thanks for your New Year's wishes. Pam forwarded your email. Best wishes for a Healthy New Year, to you, Vicky and Dave, from Lady Darjeeling and I. Take care of yourselves and we certainly looking forward to seeing you, in the not too, too distant future back here in Penticton. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Thanks for sending along Patti's email address, Jake. I confess I have yet to contact her but plan to do so in the next little while.
Hi Pam!! Trust you are well. Thanks very much for forwarding Vicky's email. We attended the Christmas Eve service at Oasis and it was a delight. Jim and Carol were there as well. Also Judy and Kevin. I'd not met him before. Healthy New Year, to you, Pam, from Lady Darjeeling and I. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Friendinos, Quick note. Some people have asked about parking and suggested car pooling. Carpooling is of course always good, but in any case I suggest you park wherever convenient. This can be on Faircrest Street itself or simply in front of our house, in so far there is space. If you do this, please be considerate of other cars coming in to find space. Also, if needed, Dave Whitton has kindly offered the use of his parking space around the corner on Bristow and Web Cres (see attached map).
In regard to the surprise factor for Jos, I am probably going to play the old trick and tell her that we are going out for dinner and that I have reserved a table at a surprise restaurant 6:30PM, in that way she will hopefully be in our bathroom getting ready when you ring the doorbell at 6:00PM (let us assume she has clothes on ...). So again, I kindly ask you to please try to stand in front of our door at 6:00PM, or at least the majority of you because that will be a huge surprise if you ring the door bell, Jos opens and all of you are cheering to get in!
I can't wait ... see you soon! Cheerios, Aarturo you humble servant
Right back at you guys...we have been busy settling in our new abode, loft lifestyle on Beach, waterfront ( as they say they don't make waterfront anymore so better buy waterfront) Loft living offers lots of challenges (not too many walls for our numerous accumulated art, mine and much more famous artists) but we are acclimatizing ourselves nicely and loving the quiet waterfront/pedestrians only our very large balcony gives front to, I have not slept as well in the last few years as I have slept here since we moved.
Not much traveling to Oliver again until Spring returns, not much to do for Bruce with two employees left at Intersection until it is time to prune again and the whole wheel of " another winemaking season " returns in the Spring and we all start all over again. You and Corinne must absolutely try our Passimento, our Repasso, our Silica and Alluvia all up there quality wise as far as Okanagan wines. It would be a shame for you not to include them in your "tasting bible".
We have been kept busy since our move in late November and also the arrival of our new and FIRST grandson: Luca Hunter Schmidt (photos attached) we have all fallen hopelessly and irrevocably in love with this little Christmas gift into our lives.
At 70 + a few mths it was about time I became Mamie Gie...our sons tease us saying with "Mamie... the French endearing name of a modernish grandmother (yes even at 70++) and the Gie it sounds a little Indian if you put it all together but that is what I will be from now on to this little guy (Mamie Gie), because of modern relationship break downs the poor little guy has 4 grandmothers: Genvieve's mother, her step mother, Ryans' mom who is not much in the picture since Ryan was 6 and I raised him therefore "my son" as this is how I feel about him and then little old Mamie Gie...hopefully I can teach him French and how to be totally a free Spirit as i have endeavored to be most of my life to the disbelief of most of my friends, family and all! redheads somehow have a little bit of bend in their make up that allows for this as you should both well know!

Will ring you up next time we are in the area, some good Intersection wines are in order and perhaps some good XXX sschotches as well Mrs and Mr. D! Ginette
p.s other photos are from my other son Taylor, a strapping 6'3"/33yrs old lad, a Wharton graduate in business in Vancouver/he gave me these photos for Christmas from a publicity shot from the previous week for a mining company of which he is a director.
Hi again, Ginette! Wonderful news indeed. Please pass along my best wishes to Ryan. I last saw him a month or so before his wedding. Congratulations, as well, on your new spot. I gather, from address, that I would have cycled by your building each time I made for Stanley Park. Wonderful location, of course.
Healthy New Year to you and Bruce and I trust we'll see you in the spring. Looking forward to tasting your Intersection wines. Lady Darjeeling sends along her congratulations and best wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Goils! From Andrew's first wife, Ginette!
[Mya and Jade with Christmas hat] Hi Patricio, We wanted to go to Penticton today for dinner then come by you &
Dar(ling), but I did not feel well, still not, getting a cold (the first one in 20+ years), may be I got it from Barend. No skiing tomorrow because I need to be tip-top for Saturday when you all come to make a mess of my house! Jos might go skiing tomorrow and she could then come to pick it up. We really miss her cow clogs, they look soooo nice on her, and as you know it is a necessity for me growing old gracefully ... I love beautiful cows with rosy udders! Cheerios, Aarturo
Hi Patrick and Corinne, All of our Christmas celebrations are finally over, I sometimes wonder whether it is all necessary for just one BIG meal! My mum said that to her Christmas was coming around so quickly each year that it was becoming monotonous!! We had my mum, Trevor’s mum, Mark/Bree/Jade and Mya for Christmas lunch, then my aunty Olive came for coffee later on that afternoon. Trevor took his mum to see his dad in the morning but he was in a bad way, not dressed or showered so they didn’t stay very long.
[Mark with my mum and Trevor’s mum]
Then on Boxing Day we started a bit of a tradition of friends Terry and Pauline, Pete and Sue, Don/Anne coming over for late lunch of leftovers to which they had to bring a plate as well, we had 8. We also had Mya and Jade for sleepover on Boxing Day as Mark/Bree had an adult only function to go to.
So, yesterday was our first free day, we were going to go to Costco to check out a few things but as it was Proclamation Day here in Adelaide the shops were closed! So we went today, mainly to get fuel as it is usually 20cents per litre cheaper than anywhere else.
[Mya by Christmas tree] We are starting to get our gear together for the trip to Canada, Trevor leaves on the 8th and the rest of us leave on the 10th. Looking forward to catching up with you all. When I come will you have room for me to stay or will ALL of the GUEST bedrooms be full of free loading relatives!!! Love Tina
Hello Patrick and happiest Christmas wishes to you and Corinne as well! It looks like you have a wonderful new group of outdoorsmen and women to celebrate and share good times with! Looks rather cold there though.We're not used to seeing all that snow around here, you know. Does it snow in Penticton too? Regrettfully, we won't be able to celebrate Boxing Day with you - have a great weekend of good cheer! All our best, Pat and Dave from sunny California - where it has been recently raining - yay!
Janet received a message which went to a lot of people. I haven't heard from you in ages. Anything new? Jarek is going strong with his various IHOPs. I have to use this email for the time being as my physics has a problem and can't receive.
[Mya and Jade together, before the feast!]
Sorry everyone that this is a multi send letter. Usually I can add a little to each of you but time has got the better of me this year!! For many of you ours news is not new but wanted to say hi at Xmas. We'd love to see any of you at either of our 2 places, Penticton or Sedona, so please email if you are dropping by for a visit. Bye for now and take care Gill and Phil

Patriçio, So I see you are back in the clutches of winter wonderland. Well at least I don’t see it raining on your winterized sundeck - like here. There has been a good dump of snow on the local mountains, but at sea level, rain, fog, damp, yuk. And yes, you do look like the Wild Man of Borneo … uh, I hope the selfie was before the haircut? (and presumably, beard trim. I am on cruise control, keeping an eye on my cantankerous old Dad, looking forward to the Canada <> Mexico FIFA World Cup qualifier at BC Place in March. I must confess, I fear those nasty Mexicanos may hand our boys their heads in a basket, but Canada still has an excellent chance to advance to the next (and final) qualifying round, especially if they can pull off even a tie.
6 confederations (zones); 206 teams; 32 spots in the World Cup final; comprehensive qualification process; Everyone gets a chance. Interesting to note: of the top 32 FIFA world ranked teams, only 4 are not in Europe. 2 in South America, one in Africa and the USA is hanging in at 32! Branko Peric
[*] No habrá paz para los malvados [*] [*] No peace for the wicked [*]
Christmas table
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