I've also seen that great men are often lonely. This is understandable,
because they have built such high standards for themselves that they
often feel alone. But that same loneliness is part of their ability to
create. -Yousuf Karsh, portrait photographer
(23 Dec 1908-2002)
Corinne Durston Patrick James Dunn Thank you for the Christmas parcel that arrived today xoxo #stillakidatXmas Patrick James Dunn No peaking until Ukrainian Christmas, Thursday, January 7th! Has been snowing lightly all night so more walks to shovel. Certainly will be a White Christmas! Snowball Woman is already in production mode so must away! Woof woof to Winston! Ayn P Send snowballs by snowmobile!!

Ayn P Winston would be on the sled with a megaphone!
Patrick James Dunn The dog biscuit doesn't fall very far from the owner's leash, does it?
Stephen Carthew Love the snoballs, you been eating them quicker'n they'rolled out. Thanks for greetings. Thinking of you. Special love to my special arrival from yvr.
Hello Denise Dangeroux and Wild Bill! First and foremost, simply delighted to learn that your surgery was so successful! Bravo!! Onward!!! Fight!!!! You'll be back on the court in no time, giving The Kaz a run for his money or his garage sale loot! Please send along best wishes if you bump into him. Thanks for the lovely note and kind wishes! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling. [Look forward to our next time together to share stories of trip over wine and home-grown vegetables!] Happiest of Happy Christmases and a Healthy New Year to you both, Denise and Bill, (and Julie, of course), from us both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Snowball homage to Vivian Maier. In case you don't understand the reference, "Vivian Dorothy Maier was an American street photographer. Maier worked for about forty years as a nanny, mostly in Chicago's North Shore, pursuing photography during her spare time." If you can, see Finding Vivian Maier, an unbelievably compelling documentary about her life. She often included her shadow or reflection in her shots.
Open House, 611 Burns
Street, Penticton, Boxing Day, Saturday, December 26th, anytime
after 2:00 pm until the reindeer go home or the hootch runs out!
Dear Friends and Neighbours:
On behalf of The Sisterhood, (Corinne and Chloë, our
youngest daughter, up from Vancouver, for Xmas), we'd like to invite you to
join us for our first Okanagan Open House. Please pop by to say hello and share
some Christmas Cheer, visit with us and friends, old and new, tell stories
or lies, or both, and just generally enjoy the spirit of the season. With best
wishes from The Dames. Cheers, Patrizzio, both Butler and Bartender!
Hello Aarturo and my Darling Jos!! Thanks for the kind wishes! Missed
what I'm sure was another wonderful time. Perhaps I might prevail upon you to
give me a lesson or two before I join the snow bunnies. At any rate we
can chat about that over the next little while.
Lady Dar sends along greetings to you both. Do hope you will manage to attend our Open House as would be wonderful to meet your daughter and son. Until then, Happiest of Happy Christmases and a Healthy New Year to Famiglia Dronkers from us both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrizzio, My goodness, it's seems like forever since I've had the good company of our group. Super pics and wonderful emails!!! Oh... how I've missed you guys. I'm excited to hook up with everyone in mid January. Meanwhile, have yourselves a wonderful Christmas and New Years!! All the very best
to you and yours!! hugs:)
Hello again Deborah, or should I say Oscar Material Woman! Not quite sure how you manage to survive! I'd say you need to fly out to the Okanagan for a lengthy retreat! Buona Fortuna with selling your house and fighting the good fight against Nationstar Mortgage! Cheers, Patrizzio! Would love to attend Open House, maybe another year I'll be footloose and fancy-free! Enjoy yourselves! Deborah
Hi Pat, Very merry Christmas to you, Corinne (Lady Darjeeling I think) and Chloe - I see from your blog that you will be having a reasonably quiet (for the Dunns anyway!) Christmas this year. Please pass on our best wishes to Ayn, Clara and Dusty when they all arrive.
We too will be having a quiet Christmas; lunch will be here with Bree, Mark and the goils, my Mum and Tina’s Mum then dinner over with Don and Anne. I will take Mum on Christmas morning to see Dad in the nursing home; he has deteriorated so badly that it is impossible to bring him out even for an hour – he just couldn’t cope with the change of environment – so incredibly sad to see what’s happening to him. Guess you know how I feel anyway having gone through it for so long with dear Annie.
On a lighter note, Terry and Pauline and Pete and Sue are coming for Boxing Day to get rid of the over lefts so it will be good to catch up with them; T&P have just got back from a month in Japan. Thoroughly enjoyed your regular reports on India; you have a wonderful knack of conveying the sights, sounds and smells of your adventures – keep it up!
Christmas Day here is going to be a stinker; forecast to be 37C so that means it will be a couple of degrees hotter! Cool change later in the afternoon but unfortunately that will be preceded by hot northerly winds so everybody will be on tenterhooks for bushfires (both natural and deliberate). Looking forward to seeing you both in the New Year. Ooroo for now Trevor
Dear Patrick and Corinne Thank you so much for your greetings from the "snowy Okanagan"! Your home looks lovely and you have joined Gaz in his wood splitting endeavours. Nothing like a wood burning fireplace especially one that heats your home.
You will like snowshoeing and if I can do it you can. Beautiful on a sunny day. We have gone to Grouse and this year the snow is wonderful. I have not been up as I don't have a pass for this year but will probably purchase a Y2Play pass in February to see if I can get back into winter sports. I am just grateful to be walking and celebrate that each day but had a bit of a set back when I washed only part of a floor on my knees. Somehow twisted my bad leg and it has brought back some discomfort. Need to do more exercises and I find the pool to be most restorative. Sadly Byng is closed now for the month of Dec. for maintenance so have to go to Kerrisdale--it has no hot tub or sauna so it isn't as appealing. Will try going back to skating in the New Year.
Eric arrived last night--flew in from London. He is well and he managed to get up for a 7:00 a.m. dental hygiene appointment the only one I could get for him. He is amazed at how cheap things are in Canada compared to the UK. He will be in Vancouver til January 8, 2016.
Had a nice dinner with Ron Jobe last night. Colin went French beginning with champagne then Cassoule, French wine and Creme Caramel for dessert. It was delicious. Ruyun Staiger will come this evening for dinner. She is in Vancouver for a week. Then Friday the Versters are coming for appetizers as we are cooking our turkey to take Christmas day to Colin's mother in Qualicum. This is called "Xmas Meals on Wheels". Will see how it turns out.
I think it would be quite novel having a white Christmas but I must admit after shoveling walks in Edmonton I was ready to come back to the grey and rain. When the sun shines though it is brilliant. Would love to taste Corinne's canned beets--they are so so good. Had some in Edmonton and they are ever so wonderful--lots of work though to can. The dried fruit sounds like a great plan--that I think is less work but so good for you.
We hope you enjoy a terrific holiday. Will be thinking of you! Please say hello to Chloe. Keep in touch and if you are ever down this way give us a shout. From your "old Curric Lab colleague" and "retired guy" Jo-Anne and Colin
Dear Dunn's, I better send you this message now, before things get too crazy, hectic around here. As life would have it, I'm in charge of preparing our Christmas brunch for the obligatory family get together. We anticipate Travis, Kaitlyn and Scott, will arrive here on the morning of the 25th, expecting to be well fed. Kaitlyn and Scott's ADHD rescue dog Koda is also invited and no doubt will expect the same.
We hope to keep Koda pacified by feeding her "Oinky" bones, which Sally wisely selected as our Christmas gift to her. Regrettably, Tiernan won't be able to attend, but we're planning to enjoy a sort of conference call with him so he doesn't feel left alone there in Regina. Anyway, I've decided to go Greek with the brunch menu, mainly because all the invitees much prefer savoury over sweet. This also allows me to prepare most of the meal beforehand, so I'm not a flat out basket case in the kitchen on Christmas morning.
"I'm blessed", as my father used to say when things went his way. (I also remember him saying "I'm vexed", when things went the other way.) Sally and I wish you a "blessed" new year. Best regards, Filmer of the Hubble clan, sending you this message from, Winterpeg, Manisnowba.
A good stack of wood there, Pat. Mine's chopped and ready to go. Certainly enough to last the winter. I don't think I've ever been short since I bought the stove in the 80's. Like you, I've been thinking about a snowshoeing expedition either locally or via the Sea to Sky gondola near Squamish. I'll see if there's any interest once Jenny arrives. The Costco snowshoes are a lot less expensive than those at MEC. I'll probably rent as it's not something I'll do regularly. It sounds like a great activity in your location and the fitness work will make up somewhat for the lack of cycling. Ray
Hi Patrick and Corrine Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016. Hope you are
all settled in your new home, we are finally settled, everything unpacked, and enjoying our new home. Patrick enjoying your stories on hiking and cycling they are very enjoyable. All is well here, enjoying a 27 degree day also 27 degrees for tomorrow, perfect weather for Christmas Day. Still miss the snow, even after being here for 34 years. Say hi to all and enjoy the day. Luv Kevin, Bev, Lisa, Minnie the pug xx
Jos' Potluck Surprise Party will now be JANUARY 2nd, 2016. Thank you all for your flexibility to change to the 2nd. I know with age change does not come lightly, but obviously you are not there yet. You will be rewarded with extra hugs! I apologize for the short notice, it is a unique opportunity that our daughter Bodil and her partner Vince can now be there.
I kindly ask you to try to be there at 6:00 PM so that when Jos opens the door, she will be totally blown away by your presence and harmony singing of "Happy Birthday". In regards to where everything goes: Please be flexible (again) and find a good accessible spot ... for the food the best place is probably on the big table in the dining room, the beer either in the garage or on our deck, within easy reach, wine will probably be best on the kitchen counter. We will figure it out when you get here. If there is any special drink you would like to have, either let me know and I will get it, or bring it yourself.
Thank you to those of you who are bringing extra glasses, and extra plates. Can't wait to see Jos' face, she will be delighted and soooo moved.If you have any questions or suggestions, by all means, I am never too old to learn to make this a success! I have attached a small map with directions, although I think all of you know. Talk to/See you soon! Hug, Aart - Jos' humble servant
Lady Dar sends along greetings to you both. Do hope you will manage to attend our Open House as would be wonderful to meet your daughter and son. Until then, Happiest of Happy Christmases and a Healthy New Year to Famiglia Dronkers from us both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrizzio, My goodness, it's seems like forever since I've had the good company of our group. Super pics and wonderful emails!!! Oh... how I've missed you guys. I'm excited to hook up with everyone in mid January. Meanwhile, have yourselves a wonderful Christmas and New Years!! All the very best
to you and yours!! hugs:)
Hello again Deborah, or should I say Oscar Material Woman! Not quite sure how you manage to survive! I'd say you need to fly out to the Okanagan for a lengthy retreat! Buona Fortuna with selling your house and fighting the good fight against Nationstar Mortgage! Cheers, Patrizzio! Would love to attend Open House, maybe another year I'll be footloose and fancy-free! Enjoy yourselves! Deborah
Hi Pat, Very merry Christmas to you, Corinne (Lady Darjeeling I think) and Chloe - I see from your blog that you will be having a reasonably quiet (for the Dunns anyway!) Christmas this year. Please pass on our best wishes to Ayn, Clara and Dusty when they all arrive.
We too will be having a quiet Christmas; lunch will be here with Bree, Mark and the goils, my Mum and Tina’s Mum then dinner over with Don and Anne. I will take Mum on Christmas morning to see Dad in the nursing home; he has deteriorated so badly that it is impossible to bring him out even for an hour – he just couldn’t cope with the change of environment – so incredibly sad to see what’s happening to him. Guess you know how I feel anyway having gone through it for so long with dear Annie.
On a lighter note, Terry and Pauline and Pete and Sue are coming for Boxing Day to get rid of the over lefts so it will be good to catch up with them; T&P have just got back from a month in Japan. Thoroughly enjoyed your regular reports on India; you have a wonderful knack of conveying the sights, sounds and smells of your adventures – keep it up!
Christmas Day here is going to be a stinker; forecast to be 37C so that means it will be a couple of degrees hotter! Cool change later in the afternoon but unfortunately that will be preceded by hot northerly winds so everybody will be on tenterhooks for bushfires (both natural and deliberate). Looking forward to seeing you both in the New Year. Ooroo for now Trevor
Dear Patrick and Corinne Thank you so much for your greetings from the "snowy Okanagan"! Your home looks lovely and you have joined Gaz in his wood splitting endeavours. Nothing like a wood burning fireplace especially one that heats your home.
You will like snowshoeing and if I can do it you can. Beautiful on a sunny day. We have gone to Grouse and this year the snow is wonderful. I have not been up as I don't have a pass for this year but will probably purchase a Y2Play pass in February to see if I can get back into winter sports. I am just grateful to be walking and celebrate that each day but had a bit of a set back when I washed only part of a floor on my knees. Somehow twisted my bad leg and it has brought back some discomfort. Need to do more exercises and I find the pool to be most restorative. Sadly Byng is closed now for the month of Dec. for maintenance so have to go to Kerrisdale--it has no hot tub or sauna so it isn't as appealing. Will try going back to skating in the New Year.
Eric arrived last night--flew in from London. He is well and he managed to get up for a 7:00 a.m. dental hygiene appointment the only one I could get for him. He is amazed at how cheap things are in Canada compared to the UK. He will be in Vancouver til January 8, 2016.
Had a nice dinner with Ron Jobe last night. Colin went French beginning with champagne then Cassoule, French wine and Creme Caramel for dessert. It was delicious. Ruyun Staiger will come this evening for dinner. She is in Vancouver for a week. Then Friday the Versters are coming for appetizers as we are cooking our turkey to take Christmas day to Colin's mother in Qualicum. This is called "Xmas Meals on Wheels". Will see how it turns out.
I think it would be quite novel having a white Christmas but I must admit after shoveling walks in Edmonton I was ready to come back to the grey and rain. When the sun shines though it is brilliant. Would love to taste Corinne's canned beets--they are so so good. Had some in Edmonton and they are ever so wonderful--lots of work though to can. The dried fruit sounds like a great plan--that I think is less work but so good for you.
We hope you enjoy a terrific holiday. Will be thinking of you! Please say hello to Chloe. Keep in touch and if you are ever down this way give us a shout. From your "old Curric Lab colleague" and "retired guy" Jo-Anne and Colin
Dear Dunn's, I better send you this message now, before things get too crazy, hectic around here. As life would have it, I'm in charge of preparing our Christmas brunch for the obligatory family get together. We anticipate Travis, Kaitlyn and Scott, will arrive here on the morning of the 25th, expecting to be well fed. Kaitlyn and Scott's ADHD rescue dog Koda is also invited and no doubt will expect the same.
We hope to keep Koda pacified by feeding her "Oinky" bones, which Sally wisely selected as our Christmas gift to her. Regrettably, Tiernan won't be able to attend, but we're planning to enjoy a sort of conference call with him so he doesn't feel left alone there in Regina. Anyway, I've decided to go Greek with the brunch menu, mainly because all the invitees much prefer savoury over sweet. This also allows me to prepare most of the meal beforehand, so I'm not a flat out basket case in the kitchen on Christmas morning.
"I'm blessed", as my father used to say when things went his way. (I also remember him saying "I'm vexed", when things went the other way.) Sally and I wish you a "blessed" new year. Best regards, Filmer of the Hubble clan, sending you this message from, Winterpeg, Manisnowba.
A good stack of wood there, Pat. Mine's chopped and ready to go. Certainly enough to last the winter. I don't think I've ever been short since I bought the stove in the 80's. Like you, I've been thinking about a snowshoeing expedition either locally or via the Sea to Sky gondola near Squamish. I'll see if there's any interest once Jenny arrives. The Costco snowshoes are a lot less expensive than those at MEC. I'll probably rent as it's not something I'll do regularly. It sounds like a great activity in your location and the fitness work will make up somewhat for the lack of cycling. Ray
Hi Patrick and Corrine Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016. Hope you are
all settled in your new home, we are finally settled, everything unpacked, and enjoying our new home. Patrick enjoying your stories on hiking and cycling they are very enjoyable. All is well here, enjoying a 27 degree day also 27 degrees for tomorrow, perfect weather for Christmas Day. Still miss the snow, even after being here for 34 years. Say hi to all and enjoy the day. Luv Kevin, Bev, Lisa, Minnie the pug xx
Jos' Potluck Surprise Party will now be JANUARY 2nd, 2016. Thank you all for your flexibility to change to the 2nd. I know with age change does not come lightly, but obviously you are not there yet. You will be rewarded with extra hugs! I apologize for the short notice, it is a unique opportunity that our daughter Bodil and her partner Vince can now be there.
I kindly ask you to try to be there at 6:00 PM so that when Jos opens the door, she will be totally blown away by your presence and harmony singing of "Happy Birthday". In regards to where everything goes: Please be flexible (again) and find a good accessible spot ... for the food the best place is probably on the big table in the dining room, the beer either in the garage or on our deck, within easy reach, wine will probably be best on the kitchen counter. We will figure it out when you get here. If there is any special drink you would like to have, either let me know and I will get it, or bring it yourself.
Thank you to those of you who are bringing extra glasses, and extra plates. Can't wait to see Jos' face, she will be delighted and soooo moved.If you have any questions or suggestions, by all means, I am never too old to learn to make this a success! I have attached a small map with directions, although I think all of you know. Talk to/See you soon! Hug, Aart - Jos' humble servant
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